Please note that a short description of a certain column can be displayed when you move your mouse cursor over the column's header and hold it still. Below, a more detailed description is shown per column.
Reference: Reference to publication describing the individual/family, possibly giving more phenotypic details than listed in this database entry, including link to PubMed or other source, e.g. "den Dunnen ASHG2003 P2346". References in the "Country:City" format indicate that the variant was submitted directly to this database by the laboratory indicated.
Gender: The gender of the reported individual.
All options:
- ? = Unknown
- F = Female
- M = Male
- rF = Raised as female
- rM = Raised as male
Population: Additional information on the individual's population.
Consanguinity: Indicates whether the parents are related (consanguineous), not related (non-consanguineous) or whether consanguinity is not known (unknown)
All options:
- ? = Unknown
- no = Non-consanguineous parents
- yes = Consanguineous parents
Run: Sequencing run ID
NGS panel: NGS panel
Sanger sequencing data availability: Sanger sequencing data availability
All options:
- Whole NGS panel
- Pathogenic variants
- Not available
Variants in genes: The individual has variants for this gene.
Panel size: Number of individuals this entry represents; e.g. 1 for an individual, 5 for a family with 5 affected members.
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